Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter with Uncle Chris (oh and Aunt Gigi, Grandma MiMi, Brian, and the dogs)

Scott has been so extremely busy for the past couple weeks with work and school that I thought I would go away with the boy for a few days to give him some time to catch up on things.  Our journey started on the Thursday before easter weekend.  First, I brought Henry to playgroup to try and tire him out so he would sleep in the car.  Then we took off (in our new car :)) on our 3 hour drive to Albany, NY to visit with my sister.  I bought a new Dora DVD to try and keep baby boy happy.  As most of you know, Henry has hated the car since he was 2 weeks old.  So anything over a 30 min drive can be a bit draining on us all.  He did awesome though (on the way down).  I <3 Dora and Cheetos.
On our way.
Henry truly LOVES his Aunt Gigi.  They share a special A-frame bond. :)
We made it to Aunt Gigi's!  It was really nice to see my sister and for Henry to spend time with his doting Aunt.  The night was rough though.   I slept with him but he woke up very scared, wondering where on earth he was and it took a few hours to get him back to sleep.  Luckily, my sister is awesome.  

Looking like a big boy these days!

Hiding out at Gigi's.

Then, on Friday it was time to head on over to my younger brothers place in Pittsfield, Massachusetts to meet up with grandma and Brian.  I say "Easter with Uncle Chris" because really it's what it seemed like.  Henry adores his uncle.  And all he wanted to do was be with him every moment.  If Chris were to go anywhere in the apartment or outside, you would hear Henry hollering "Chris.... Uncle Chris.... Chris", sooo very cute.  I must say between my brother spoils his nephew like no other! :)

Hanging with Kota.
Cheeseballs and cartoons with Uncle Chris.

Henry thought 5am was a good time to wake up while visiting.  So,  my bro and I decided to take Henry out to breakfast at "Daddy's Diner" to not wake the house. :)

Good morning grandma mimi.  Henry pretty much asks me on a daily basis to go to "grandma mimi's house".  

Nap ahhhh.
This is an easter outfit my older brother, Mike wore when he was 2 years old (circa 1981).
Lots of laughs together.

Reading together.

Toast in the morning together.

My mom brought the easter basket that I used growing up.  

Slinky... too bad Kota ate it haha.
So, that was our trip in photos.  We then headed back pretty early on Easter Day to spend the day with my hard-working hubby.  And, lucky Henry got 2 easter baskets.... The 2nd that I had filled with fun goodies that Scott gave him when he walked in the door. :)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good News

So, my aneurysm has stayed at 3.6 cm.  Yay!!!  Thank you, God.  And thanks to all who kept me in their prayers.  I really didn't expect it to grow in just a months time but it was still very comforting and reassuring to hear this.

I have been having chest pain on a daily basis.  The cardiologist doesn't think it is related to the aneurysm and she thinks it may be muscular.  I feel like it's heart pain but I'm hoping she's right.  Even if it is, they can't do much about it right now.  She talked about having a CT scan or a TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram) once the babies organs are fully developed.  But right now everything seems promising that I will have a smooth pregnancy.  And maybe this aneurysm won't grow at all!  If it is to grow, it will probably be later in pregnancy when blood volume reaches it's max at around 24 weeks pregnant.  But, with a blood pressure of 90/60.... I don't see it happening :).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wedding Day

Scott and I married on July 25th, 2009, in Addison, VT at D.A.R. State Park.  It was one of the most happiest days of my life, along side the birth of our son.
Sweet baby boy.

Father and Daughter

Our cupcakes for our guests.  Scott and I shared a mini cake :)


After the wedding ceremony and pictures we went to dinner at the Starry Night Cafe in Ferrisburg, VT.  The atmosphere was perfect and the food was delicious!  It was exactly what we wanted.

My husband and I ended the night by spending it at a resort/spa in Stowe, VT and sending baby Henry off with his sweet grandma mimi for his first over night trip away from his mommy.  It was hard but I knew he was in amazing hands.   And he did fabulous, my mom said he was just a happy hungry boy.  I pumped everyday for almost a whole month and thought there was plenty but apparently he drank every last ounce by the time we got there the next morning.  Dieting (fitting into a wedding dress) and stress are not good for milk supply, duh!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A trip down memory lane...

The next few posts will be from the beginnings of our life together. 

Henry Christopher sleeping in my belly.  I cherish this picture.   

Oh, contractions.  Here we are waiting for our little boy to arrive.

Henry was born on May 30th, 2009 at 2:31pm. 


 Here is my momma, aka grandma mimi

The depths of my love for you... 
